Bas The Creative Technologist

Web programmer, creative coder & AI Expert

Hello, I'm Bas Ekkelenkamp.
Blending code with creativity, I navigate web development, tech-art, and AI ethics. My passion for learning fuels transformation, from robust backends to digital installations. I invent to improve the world for the better in some way, shape or form.

© Bas The Creative Technologist. All rights reserved.


I believe that technologists should stand on the forefront of social & societal responsibility when it comes to tech. I am a Rotterdam based freelancer that provides three kinds of services:

1. Web development.
I am proficient with backend (Python, PHP, AWSCloud), having worked on professional customer projects in an agile way. On the frontend side I am skillful with javascript. I also provide cheap and easy hosting solutions for smaller scale websites. Check out my passion project: Genreguesser.

2. Digital art experiences.
Technology infused art. An example could be creating software for an interactive visual for a digital installation, or creating audio reactive visuals for a music tour. View my works on instagram.

3. AI & ethics.
I worked on lots of AI projects, having gained a great technical but also an interest in philosophical questions. I have a passion to make our technology infused world a better place. My passion is teaching companies how to use and implement AI responsibly in their company.


I'm Bas Ekkelenkamp, born and raised in Rotterdam in 1996. I am a generalist and my true skill is learning and applying. I try to get a deep understanding of everything I dive into. My passions are digital art, music, AI and all things web development.

I believe that technologists should stand on the forefront of social & societal responsibility when it comes to tech. Understanding that the backbone of any digital solution lies in its backend, I dedicate my expertise to building efficient, adaptable infrastructures. Through thoughtful design and responsible technology application, I strive to ensure that every project serves not just an immediate need, but contributes to a better, more inclusive digital future. Lets get in touch!


Let me know if you would like to work, or just drink a coffee and talk!

Thank you

I will get in touch with you soon!